Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Some quotes

To study the Way means to study the self.
To study the self means to forget the self.
To forget the self is to be enlightened by all things.
To be enlightened by all things is to have removed all barriers between oneself and what is 'other'.

Dogen Zenji - Genjo Koan

The way to completely liberate all of cyclic existence is to sustain the nature of present awareness with an uncontrived, non-grasping and watchful mindfulness in order to uproot the undercurrent of conceptions.

Dungse Trinley Nobu Rinpoche

How odd to see this garden inside the flame.
My heart has become capable of every form:
a grassland for gazelles, a home for Christian monks,
a temple for idols, the pilgrim's Ka'aba,
the scrolls of the Torah and the book of the Quran.
I follow the religion of Love: wherever Its camels turn,
that is my religion and my faith.

Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi

'We must strive to be like the moon.'

Luxlapis - BLOG: BLOG TWO:


Anne Graaff said...

Hi Samten
Love exploring your blog. How are you? Can you send an Italy email and phone number? Would like to get in touch.

Thinking of you
Anne Graaff

Anne Graaff said...

Hi Samten
Love your blog


   Henry Miller:    "Everything we shut our eyes to, everything we run away from, everything we deny, denigrate, or despise, serves to ...