Friday, December 7, 2007

Samson & The Lion in the Tarot

September 7, 2007:

I agree totally with MARK FILIPAS in this quote:

The name of the eleventh letter kaph (KP) means the power to subdue, corresponding to the allegory of Strength. It is also the root of the word KPP, meaning to force, to conquer.The letterform suggests the gaping mouth of a beast, and some of the earliest decks (such as the Jean Noblet Tarot c. 1660) depict the lion’s mouth facing in the same direction as the letterform.In most of the images the interpretation has been that the mouth of the lion is being opened and/or closed.

Michael Maier says in Phoenix Redivivo: [The Songs of the Resurrection of the Phoenix.]

“The poets say that some fierce animals fell from the moon to the earth. Of these was that furious Lion, rising from the congealed foam of Diana, put to death by Hercules. The fables hide great truths. In this lion’s mouth is hidden a thing highly esteemed by sages. Who will conquer this lion? The strength and club of Hercules are required. Try to know this Lion. He is fed with celestial dew.”

The full title, in French, is: CANTILENÆ INTELLECTUALES DE PHOENICE REDIVIVO. In his recension, J.B. Craven writes: “This singular treatise was first printed at Rome in 1622,” the year that Maier died,” reprinted at Rostock in 1623, and “since then became very rare.” The French edition, the only one I have seen, is issued from Paris, 1758, and is taken from the Rostock edition. “The Songs of the Resurrection of the Phoenix, is translated into English by Mike Dickman.

To paraphrase: It is not only the fables, but also the Tarot which hides great truths. And what is hidden in the Mouth of the Lion?There are some clues. . . .


Peacham, Henry, Minerva Britanna, 1612, London. English Emblem Books, No. 5. Selected and Edited by John Horden, Scholar Press, 1969.

H.S.Beham. Series on The Twelve Labours of Hercules. Byzantine silk, Sens Cathedral, France, 8th Cent. Shroud of St. Victor, Lion strangler, Gilgamesh Translated into Samson. BATTISTA FRANCO, Fortitudo and Patientia, engraving 16th century. From Wittkower… Wenzel Bible, Prague 1387 – 1400. Cod. 2579-2764, Austrian National Library, Unterkircher Samson and the Lion Boucicaut Master & Workshop. French, Paris, about 1415. Tempera colors, gold leaf, & gold paint on parchment. MS. 63, FOL. 26V Botticelli, Sandro Fortitude1470. Tempera on panel. 167 x 87 cm. Uffizi, Florence Philip Galle - (Dutch 1537-1612). Samson Fighting the Lion. Engraving The Bedford Book of Hours was probably executed to celebrate the marriage of John, Duke of Bedford, Regent of English rule in Paris, to Anne, daughter of the Duke of Burgundy, in 1423. This minature shows Samuel I, XVII, 34-36.British Museum, Add. MS. 18850.Werboczi-Kolozsvar codice, Hungary. 1571 Albrecht Durer: Samson Rending the Lion Strength ‘La Forza’ from the Tarot Mitelli.

GIOTTO 1 and GIOTTO 2 OTHER 1 and OTHER 2 Columns are obviously associated to the death of Samson: From Tarot of the Bohemians, 1896. Marseilles Deck: From Tarot of the Bohemians

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